Lavans Customer Portal- Interface


Interfaces, UX


Lavans is a company with a unique profile and service offering. They provide companies with clean and customised clothing, welcome mats, cleaning supplies. Did the clothing get dirty? No problem, they pick it up at regular intervals and provide you with clean replacements. The challenge Lavans faced was to digitally transform their services and enable customers to keep track of their products and subscriptions in one place and be reminded of important upcoming events. I got to work together with their marketing and IT development staff to find a solution.


Lavans’ branding is fresh and clear and this was translated to the visual design as well as the user experience. I designed a portal that makes it easy for customers to see which products and subscriptions they have. Additionally, customers are alerted when the next laundry pick-up is. If they need more clothing or supplies they can now easilly order it from the portal and see when it will come. If clothing needs repairs the portal also enables customers to report and schedule this.


The Lavans customer portal resulted from the designs. It is a work in progress, but so far the design incorporates the wishes of internal stakeholders as well targeting the known needs of the customers as reported in their feedback.